Trusted Recovery Tools & Resources

Before anything, let's connect, shall we?

I'm happy to share a few resources below, but the ju-ju is what you'll get in your inbox. Boom.

Tool #1: Attend a meeting

  • Alcoholics Anonymous: For those, like me, who prefer a 12-step approach, you can find a meeting here.   
  • In The Rooms online communities: Here, you can join virtual meetings for family members, those in active addiction, those in recovery, and anywhere in between. Start connecting.
  • Refuge Recovery: This recovery approach is influenced by Buddhist philosophy. View online meeting options here.
  • SMART Recovery: Self Management and Recovery Training has over 40 virtual meetings a week. Find one here.
  • SHE RECOVERS: I am a SHE RECOVERS Coach, and we believe everyone is in recovery from something. Online meetings that support all recovery paths can be found here.
  • Tommy Rosen has a platform named Recovery 2.0. You can find free meetings and a membership. Look for my Monday Night Live class within this membership!

Tool #2: Listen to a Coaching Meditation

These meditations are for those who need an honest talk and a little kick. Trust me, I've been where you are. 

Press play and remind yourself: you've got the power to pause, breathe, stay present, and keep pushing forward.

Owning Your Truth in Addiction

This meditation is my most listened to the Insight Timer app. An all-time favorite that helps you ditch shame and fuel your heart.

Be Your Best Friend

Life after addiction is a tapestry of possibilities, especially in how you relate to yourself. Return to this meditation as a tool to shift into your best friend.

The Ritual of Recovery

Elena Brower's words, vulnerability, and love are present in this masterpiece, which helped me return from relapse back into sobriety in 2017. For more of her magic visit

Tool #3: Get my free "Sobriety Mindset" masterclass

I love to offer free content alongside my paid content. 

This class will give you some insights into the Badass Recovery Process. A great place to begin!

Free - and so very badass.

Tool #4: Read about recovery

I use my blog like a journal, expanding on all things addiction, shame, transformation, relapse, hope, and the wild beauty that comes with a life in recovery.

I fell off a cliff to find my way home.

Mar 17, 2024

You don't have to drink this Independence Day weekend

Jul 03, 2022

Gluing Things Back Together

Mar 12, 2021

Tool #5: Fight off deep cravings 

When that intense craving strikes, you need quick action to beat the anxiety.

For a hands-on solution, grab my mini audio series for just $35. You will get access to an audio course, the PDF guide, and other tools to help you "ride the wave" when it hits.

When it does, plug in your headphones and let my voice guide you back to calm.

You don't have to have another Day One.

Get the mini course for just $35

Tool #6: Watch Something new

Swap Netflix for a little YouTube time with one of these excellent recovery-based watches:


Tool #7: Meet some friends of mine

I've got an epic crew of coaches, mentors, speakers, and recovery pros. If you're serious about living a life of recovery, you've gotta roll with the same crowd.

SHE RECOVERS - SHE RECOVERS® is an international movement of self-identified women in or seeking recovery. Check out all their online offerings (including virtual support meetings, dance sessions, etc. Women only, please)

Women for Sobriety - WFS is based on a non 12-step approach. They have a robust online forum, which you can join here.

If you're the family member of someone young and struggling with drugs or alcohol, take a look at  the resources available here. 

Want a recovery podcast? The BADASS RECOVERY PODCAST is more like a course! Full of information to drop stigma and embrace recovery with power. 

Tool #8: Book your clarity call

If you're interested in private mentorship, we should chat. 

Book a complimentary 30-min call with me.

Learn more

Tool #9: Take care of your body

Moving is one of the ways we can stay grounded and in touch with ourselves. Together with producing "happy chemicals," exercise will bring you to balance. When all else fails: Move for 20 minutes. 

I teach a body + mind + spirit sobriety toolkit inside of the UNAPOLOGETICALLY SOBER JOURNAL


Tool #10: Ready for a sober, new, badass you?

 I thought so.