My Badass Recovery was created to help you step out of the box of booze.

We believe in dropping shame, embracing our truth, and flipping the script on drinking. Sobriety is a badass choice for living - and we're here to help you embrace it powerfully.

In this platform you'll find courses (in English and Spanish), a podcast, resources and private mentorship to help you get sober and fall in love with your new life.

To learn more about Pamela, click here. 

Below, a bit of insight on how we view the world.

So glad you're here.


1 .




I'm not here to convince you - the choice to change your life is yours. 

I'm here to simplify your path and invite you to join the thousands of people who've quit drinking through my process.

Because nobody can sell you or inspire you into a life of sobriety and freedom. Only you know what you see when you look in the mirror - and when it's time to drop the shame, excuses and b.s.

I'm here to give you a plan of action and tell you exactly how to do it so that this time, it actually is different.

The decision to leap begins with YOU.

Nobody else can do it for you.



Radical Honesty is Vital. 

You can't upgrade your life if you aren't willing to be honest with yourself.

For decades, I drank too much. I told myself I was in control - although my life clearly screamed that I wasn't. I was not a bad person - I was a person who needed help. My denial and lies protected me - until they didn't.

This journey is for those willing to be honest, accept help, and do the work of recovery.

Your life is waiting. It's time to be radical.





Decide: One-Day or Day One?

That's the difference between just surviving - and starting to live.

 Have you ever said to yourself: 

"I'm so tired of this."

"Why is this so hard?"

"I hate how this feels."

"I'm so sick of myself."

These flags want your attention; there's more to life than where you are.

Your actual life is waiting for you.

The decision to find it is ultimately yours. 

So ask yourself:

Are you willing to get serious about this?




We Don't Half-Ass Things

I have never seen a life truly transformed by half-assing things. Have you? 

Half measures avail us nothing. 

I drank like a m.f*ck'r.
So I needed to heal like a m.f*ck'r, too.

To find a powerful and lasting sobriety, I had to lay down my excuses and dive into the work. 

Recovery is about bold action. 

You may not trust yourself right now.

But I ask that you trust me.

We will rebuild your self-trust through compassion, clarity and a steady sobriety. You will see this come to life as you learn more about my message, my offerings and my Badass Recovery Process.

It worked for me.

It can work for you.





I Love the F-Word

My tongue is fabulously unfiltered.

F*ck yes.

But the f-word I love the most is:


Forgiveness of self, specifically.

When you forgive yourself, you open the door

to the process of deeper healing.




That's where we  will begin. With compassion, grace and self forgiveness.




You are a superhero

Baby, you are a superhero for doing what you're doing.
I see you - all of you - under the tattered cape of addiction. 
I see your badass superhero begging to break free.
You are here to let your shiny cape-bouncy hair-badass self come out and start rocking life.
You hold that power.
It begins today.
I will give you the tools. I will give you the path. I will cheer for you, loudly and proudly.
You are here to unveil your superpowers.



You get to reclaim the pen that writes your story.

The first gift a badass recovery gives you is the power to change your story.

The sobriety I advocate for is all about "reclaiming the pen" you've handed to other people —no more playing roles that other people "wrote" for you. 

When you step into a life of badass recovery, you retake control of your narrative and become the only writer of your script.

You drop victimhood and shame and fall in love with yourself again (or for the first time.)

You are the author of your own damn story - and you'll keep re-writing it as many times as you want.

Doesn't that feel good?




This is a 'WE' business.

Addiction is one of the most magnificent "me too" human experiences. 

Nobody can understand a person who wants to quit drinking more than someone who's been there.

Addiction is disconnection. Recovery connects you back to yourself - and the world. 

A badass recovery is a sobriety in which the "I" becomes "WE."

We break out of our safe cocoons of old stories and isolation.

We get to connect with people who've walked the path and fill us with hope. We get to share. We get to grow.

You are not alone.






I don't care what you do - but do something.

In this platform you'll find inspiration and hope - which are great beginnings.

But the truth is that you need a path of action.

Inspiration alone is no longer gonna cut it.

You have to take a powerful leap that  gets you unstuck, once and for all.

So whether you decide to take my online courses, leap into private mentorship,

or just start by taking the personality quiz on the homepage,

I want you to do something.

No more staying small, stuck and silent.

You feel me?

I thought so. 



This is where you begin your journey.

Sobriety is the "ticket of entryto healing.

Healing is the journey of shifting from  just surviving to  living powerfullyHealing sets you free.

You can no longer be stuck in a toxic loop that is dimming your light and affecting the lives of your loved ones. 

Is it scary to know you have to take action? Yep. Things that transform our life are always scary. But you're a badass and you've got this.

Here are my suggestions on next steps:

1. Curious about a baby step? Take the QUIZ on the homepage for some fun insight.

2. Ready to leap like a badass? Get started with the online series New Sober You.

3. On Fire and ready to stop wasting time? Let's do a 1:1 complimentary call to see if you're a good fit for private mentorship.


Yes. Yes, you are. 

I'LL TAKE THE QUIZ! (coming soon)

50% Complete

Two Step

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