Get sober in 2021 with courses that guides you every single step of the way.
The 2021 Badass Sobriety Bundle
This bundle is a combination of 3 Recovery Courses + Audio Toolkits + Personalized Coaching
The courses in this kit will help you get sober, yes. More importantly, they will help you learn to do life without the need to "tap out" with booze or drugs.
That's our goal: To help you change what isn't working, from the inside out, so you can become your best self. Happy, sober, free.
What's included:
The Badass Coaching Course
This course is the one that will change your life. It's the first step towards sobriety, and it teaches the foundations of true recovery.
11 lessons help you design your own roadmap out of addiction and learn the tools to help you thrive sober in 2021.
Mindset Shift
Pop in your earbuds every morning to listen to a 15-minute coaching session that focuses on one recovery pillar in a way that's easy to incorporate into your day.
Each one crushes limiting beliefs and creates space for new, badass ways to thrive in recovery.
12 Tools To
Beat A Craving
A mini audio course to listen to right in the moment that you're feeling an urge to give into a craving.
Each time you listen, you'll learn to navigate the cravings that set us back to square one and grow the recovery muscle that lets you keep on saying "no."
Your Secret Weapon:
As a student of the Badass Sobriety 2021 Kit, you will have access to me, your recovery coach, via email. This is pretty huge: There are no course creators that "give access to themselves" as part of their courses.
This direct email coaching will only be available for a limited time.
I normally do 1:1 Coaching sessions at $200 per hour, individually, with a minimal of 6 hours to start. My online guidance is an investment in you, included in this kit at no additional cost.
This is the most powerful approach you can use to kick-start your sobriety and your 2021 badass transformation, mi amor.
It's Time.
Yes, it is about getting sober — but mostly, it's about learning to LIVE without the cage you're stuck in.
This is your time. This, now. You are ready. You CAN do this. We will do it, together.
Mucho Love,
Start now for just $650
You'll never feel totally ready, but if you're here right now, you are.
You are not alone. We are in this together.

"Working with you has changed everything...
You have a velvet-hammer approach that leaves no room for the bullsh*t I used to justify my addiction. You taught me about compassion, accountability and being honest with myself. So grateful for 3 years of recovery with you as my coach. Thank you."
Trevor Plum | Course student & 1:1 coaching client
Meet your coach: Pamela
I'm a Certified Recovery Coach, Life Coach and She Recovers Coach, but my best credentials come from my personal journey in addiction and recovery.
After dancing with alcohol addiction for 30 years, I found sobriety. I was sober (and happy-ish) for 5 years. But in 2015, I drank again and got stuck in a long, painful 2-year relapse. I shredded my marriage, my integrity, and my self-esteem. Shame became my best friend. It felt impossible to imagine sobriety and joy again.
In 2017 I was finally able to quit drinking again. I knew this time, things needed to be radically different.
Today I am the happiest, most badass-version of myself - not in spite of my addiction, but because of it. For me, recovery is not about putting the wine down. It's about building my life up. I am fiercely proud and grateful for my sobriety - which has opened the door to transformation.
How I went from hopeless drunk to recovery mentor is nothing short of a miracle.
I am here to be your Coach, and teach you how to quit sabotaging yourself and become a sober badass this 2021.

Here's what we'll cover in the main course:
My Story of Addiction
Rewiring Your Mind
The Deep Yes
Releasing Old Stories
The Power of Action
The Work of Recovery
Coming Home to Yourself
Your Mindset
Badassing The Journey

"I feel hopeful for the first time in a long time...
I have been in and out of AA for 4 years and never in this time had I heard that sobriety could be so badass and empowering. I thought sobriety was about not drinking, and at best, being "ok" with this lifestyle. The way you present present sobriety is definitely changing the game for me."
Charlene | Coure Student & 1:1 Coaching Client
Individually, these courses cost $725
Personalized coaching? $1000's
The 2021 Badass Sobriety Kit has all you need to finally get this thing under control - for $650. It's time to ditch the excuses and invest in your life. Recovery is worth it.